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Farm Comparison reports
Date Created
4/30/2007 10:41:46 AM
Date Updated
9/10/2012 11:55:02 AM
I would like to generate a report in PigCHAMP that compares all farms within my system in one report. Is this possible?
Yes - you can use the Comparative Production Summary report in PigCHAMP. This report is very similar to the Performance Trend Analysis/Performance Analysis by Group. The report will list the farms along the top of the report, ranked based on user defined performance variables. The performance variables will be listed down the left hand side of the page.

In order for the Comparative Production Summary to be visible, you must have a Farm Group selected in the Registered Farms Dropdown list.

Please see the attached document Group Comparative Production Summary.doc for more information on how to generate the Comparative Production Summary.
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